You Wish You Were Here

Friday, June 30, 2006

Ubud and the Balanise Culture

I took a bus an hour north of Sanur to Ubud: the cultural art center of Bali. It really consists of 4-7 villages that seem like artist colonies that have all merged together. It is in the hills that go up to the mountains. Dispersed thoughout the buildings and shops are rice patties. Rice is one of the biggest crops in Bali. On my stroll through the town(s) I rhear "come look, come look in my chop" and "taxi, trasport, where you going" constantly. One motot bike driver was quite persistant and followed me down the road. He mearly wanted to chat with someone friendly in English so he could better his skills. Gede(almost pronuces gooday) walked with me for a while and through the monkey forest.

The monkey forest is about 10-20 acres of rainforest that is filled with moneys and contains a temple used in Balanize cerimonies. The monkeys are EVERYWHERE. they don't move when you come near them and if they think you have food they will come right up to you. I sat on a step to change my film and a younger money, probably 2 years oldd, came right up to me andcrawled on my leg looking for food. He tried to eat my cammera lense. Well, he did find the fild I had taken out of my bag, snatched it and ran off. People around me were concerned that it was full of picutres--- it was not. I was so upset that the monkey would get sick if he ate the film. Well he had it for about 5-10 min untill a monkey feeder came by to get it. I felt soo bad.

I also took a balanize dance class from a nice woman and great teacher named Happy. It was hard at first, but I eventually got it. She wanted me to practice for the full 2hours I had requested, but I was so tired and sweaty I could only do 1 hour. I then strolled through the rest of town looking at the palace and musicians playing. I saw a group of boys 5-13 playing soccer. I also mistakenly went into the market. IT was amazing, but I could not get out of there without buying something.

Well, I am back at the "bus stop" waiting for my ride back to Sanur. Its raining a little and I am soooo tired. I am, however, very glad I came to this part of Bali, as it was originally not on my "to do" list. I figure a little bit of the cultural stuff can't hurt. Plus I met a great local who I did not have to buy anything from or give any money to!!!!

Wednesday, June 28, 2006


It was so nice to finally arrive in Bali last night. It was even nicer to have someone waiting for me with a sign that had my name on it to drive me to my hotel. I felt so important!!!! The hotel is very nice in tradditional Balanise arcetecture mad of stone with lots of carvings and gardens. This morning I woke up and had a Luna Bar, vitamins, and Smart water for breakfast (it sure doesn't seem like I'm on another contintent). I guess I just miss Meghan too much. That- or she's comepletely brainwashed me.

at about 7 i left and I walked about 400meters down the road to the beach to check it out. My walk lasted about 3 hours and I saw so many Balanise men, women, and children getting ready for their day of pushing their wares and services. walking north was so quiet and I walked to the end (maybe 1-2 miles). There, in what I determined to be a local residences area, I was chased and barked at perfusly be a mangy little dog. All the locals just watched and stared. I could only think about what I had read in Lonely planet- there is Rabis on Bali and I should go to a Dr if I get bit!!!

On the way back, shops and restarants began to open... I think around 9:30ish. Then I had to speak with everyone I saw and promised to see their shops, massage huts, art work, or boats when I came back. They obviously didn't see me walking the other way earlier- thank goodness.

SO I go to read, sit at the pool, and so some "make planning" (as my driver called it yesterday in the jeep) for what I will do/go next. I tried to explain to him that the whole purpose of me going to Bali was not to make plans or follow a schedule. I think my mom has already emailed him so he could make sure I have my plans strait! Hee hee hee.....

I am finally leaving Singapore

So I have been in this airport for almost 19 hours and it feels kind of weird to leave. It has everything you could ever want here. I took a short tour of the Colonial district of Singapore and a boat ride. The hardest part of this 2 hour tour (which only had 45 min of tour) was getting so many people through costoms and back again. I did meet 2 nice australians.... one going to Paris, the other going back to Sydney. I had beers with them when we got back. Well, I need to catch my flight to Bali, as I would hate to miss it after all this effort. I just had to hit up the free email one more time.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Singapore: 1:30 AM

So, with MUCH help from Rebecca, I made it to LAX and on my plane. My direct flight to Singapore was really a 10 hour flight to Tokyo and then a 6 hour flight to Singapore. Its the middle of the night and I have about 14 hours before I have to get on another plane. The internet is free in the airport and there are many travelers standing here doing the same thing as me. I was able to watch a ton of movies, TV shows, play nintendo (which I know suck at), and learn a little Indonesian on the planes. The most exciting part was seeing "March of the Penguins" which on the plane was in French with English and Japanese(?) subtitles. Not sure if it is always in French, but the language and the story were beautiful. I was able to understand a bit in French (so I guess ALL those French lessons/classes are good for airplane movies- dad :-)

I had a draft Saporo in Tokyo and I am truely amazed that their trash and recycling bins throughout the airport there. I did take pics so I can turn #6, errrr... Madison Elem. into a recycling plant next year (hee hee hee). So, I'd love to here from everyone and it may take me a while to learn this picture thing. Can anyone help me??????

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Pre-Departure Drinks with Emily

So, Emily and I just got back from Chilis.... Mom you know all about those margaritas. We have just manged somehow to create this blog which in actuality was easier than picking out our next drinks. I would like everyone to know that SPELLING will not be of high importance as I "blog" this summer--- so don't worry, you're not reading wrong, I just spell for Sh*t. Wish me luck!!!!!