You Wish You Were Here

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Singapore: 1:30 AM

So, with MUCH help from Rebecca, I made it to LAX and on my plane. My direct flight to Singapore was really a 10 hour flight to Tokyo and then a 6 hour flight to Singapore. Its the middle of the night and I have about 14 hours before I have to get on another plane. The internet is free in the airport and there are many travelers standing here doing the same thing as me. I was able to watch a ton of movies, TV shows, play nintendo (which I know suck at), and learn a little Indonesian on the planes. The most exciting part was seeing "March of the Penguins" which on the plane was in French with English and Japanese(?) subtitles. Not sure if it is always in French, but the language and the story were beautiful. I was able to understand a bit in French (so I guess ALL those French lessons/classes are good for airplane movies- dad :-)

I had a draft Saporo in Tokyo and I am truely amazed that their trash and recycling bins throughout the airport there. I did take pics so I can turn #6, errrr... Madison Elem. into a recycling plant next year (hee hee hee). So, I'd love to here from everyone and it may take me a while to learn this picture thing. Can anyone help me??????


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