You Wish You Were Here

Monday, August 28, 2006

These Are a Few of My Favorite Things...

It was so hard for me to leave Nusa Lembongan and in turn Bali. I truly felt at home there and enjoyed it so much. I have cried a lot in the past two days as I prepared and began my departure. Looking back at the culture, people, and country, I have comprise another list of the things I will miss or do already. It will be hard without:
-Bintang (the local and only brew)
-speaking Bahasa Indonesian (or at least trying to and learning everyday)
-peanut sauce
-Balanise "crackers"
-diving everyday
-the four Dive Masters at World Diving: Wayan, Made, Made and Nyoman- without these four boys my entire experience would have been different
-Big Boat
-the boat captains
-learning about the Balanise culture everyday
-Nusa Lembongan
-All my friends at World Diving, Linda's, and in Lembongan, Sanur, Amed, and Tulamben
-sunset time
-the children saying hello
-the DMs making fun of my "Good Morning Everybody" and "Mengapa???"
-mie and nasi goreng; sate
-walking down the beach each morning
-Thai-Bali curry with 2-3 chillies from Linda's
-being tan
-waking up each day relaxed, making my bed, and enjoying a stress free breakfast/morning while watching the tides change

-fresh fruit juice

I think this list is just a beginning and as I go further and further away from Bali more items will pop-up. My stay in Bali has deelply affected me and my perceptions; I hope I keep part of Bali in me for a long time.


  • At 10:38 PM, Blogger Noldi said…

    Dear Kimberly,

    After I read your blogger, my comment is "a beatiful experience just you got!"

    I'm Indonesian citizen, but I never had visited Bali..... I wish someday I will be there.

    Little bit about me, my name is Noldi, for while I live in USA----for economical reason----

    email addres :

    have a good one for you


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