You Wish You Were Here

Wednesday, June 28, 2006


It was so nice to finally arrive in Bali last night. It was even nicer to have someone waiting for me with a sign that had my name on it to drive me to my hotel. I felt so important!!!! The hotel is very nice in tradditional Balanise arcetecture mad of stone with lots of carvings and gardens. This morning I woke up and had a Luna Bar, vitamins, and Smart water for breakfast (it sure doesn't seem like I'm on another contintent). I guess I just miss Meghan too much. That- or she's comepletely brainwashed me.

at about 7 i left and I walked about 400meters down the road to the beach to check it out. My walk lasted about 3 hours and I saw so many Balanise men, women, and children getting ready for their day of pushing their wares and services. walking north was so quiet and I walked to the end (maybe 1-2 miles). There, in what I determined to be a local residences area, I was chased and barked at perfusly be a mangy little dog. All the locals just watched and stared. I could only think about what I had read in Lonely planet- there is Rabis on Bali and I should go to a Dr if I get bit!!!

On the way back, shops and restarants began to open... I think around 9:30ish. Then I had to speak with everyone I saw and promised to see their shops, massage huts, art work, or boats when I came back. They obviously didn't see me walking the other way earlier- thank goodness.

SO I go to read, sit at the pool, and so some "make planning" (as my driver called it yesterday in the jeep) for what I will do/go next. I tried to explain to him that the whole purpose of me going to Bali was not to make plans or follow a schedule. I think my mom has already emailed him so he could make sure I have my plans strait! Hee hee hee.....


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