You Wish You Were Here

Thursday, August 24, 2006

The End of the Road

Today I finished all the requirements for the Dive Master course. I have done over 70 dives since I fist came to Indonesia and I have learned a lot. I would ideally like to practice guiding divers on my own for 2 more weeks to become REALLY comfortable, but since school starts in 1 week, I don't think that is a possibility. I will fun dive here in Lembongan for the next few days and have a few celebrations as well. I may head back to Amed/Tulamben for my last day and a half in Bali... but I am not quite sure. This week has been a little stressful finishing all my course work and tests. Plus, I came down with a head cold, which in diving means- you can't dive. I hope it clears so I can enjoy my last few dives here. Today was not good and I could not make the second dive at all.

I am beginning to get sad that I am leaving soon. Not just because that means I have to work, but because I have met so many great people here and I have learned so much about the Balanise culture. I do know that I will be returning on Tuesday, August 29th at 6 pm. Can anyone pick me up at LAX???!!!??? Please email me directly if you can.... I would Greatly appreciate it. But for now, I will try to enjoy my last 5 days and I will speak with everyone next week!


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