You Wish You Were Here

Thursday, August 17, 2006

There's No Place Like Home...

So last week I was feeling a bit homesick. Well, it is not like I actually wanted to come home, per se, but I got to thinking about the little things I have back at home that I cannot get here. You always like things the way mom makes them, ya know??!!? I began to comprise a list of these trivial "luxouries" to remind me that life in Bali is not completly paradise. These are the items that I crave...
-hot water
-red wine (you can get some here, but it is dreadful and quite expensive)
-my couch
-driving (not on the 710, or th 405, 105, 605, or anywhere in s. cali traffic, but just for the freedom of a nice sunny drive with the moon roof open without haveing to negotiate, bartar and beg for a rid somewhere)
-sunday brunch
-sunday afternoon cocktails continued after sunday brunch
-Hennesy's Lemonades
-Kettle One dirty martinis
-being able to pick up the phone and talk to anyone (but I don't miss the phone ringing at all)
-happy hour at Sambi's
-Internet at any speed faster than 12,000 AHHHHH
-Internet where I live, not 250meters down the beach
-my friends
-my electric toothbrush
-my kitchen (not that I want to cook, but it would be nice to fix myself something or grab a beer without having to order and wait for service in Bali time)
-non-smoking anythin g
-sushi/Sushi of Naples
-dinner with Meghan et al...
-electric razor

.... I guess the list could maybe go on, but those are the big ones that I miss.


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