You Wish You Were Here

Monday, August 14, 2006

Volleyball... Continued

So, every afternoon I walk to the volleyball court and watch. I have turned into my friend Meghan, however, and feel the need to pack my own Absolut cocktail in a waterbottle for the journey. I go down to the Kitchen at Linda's (where I live) and ask the girls to chop ice, make some juice and sprite and mix it with the peach absolut I have already been chilling in their freezer. It all comes together quite nicely and they all smile, as women don't really drink any alcohol in Bali, let alone vodka. I then walk the 10 minutes to the game.

I have a good Balanise friend, Putu, who saves me a seat front row, center, every day. She is the co-owner of World Diving and gets into the games just as much as I do. She is in it more for the tall, tall men from Bali and Java... me for the sheer sport and interesting cultural scene. I have begun to be recognized by many locals and they seem to accept me after a week+ of sitting with them. Even their children like me sitting in their group.

Today I was late and could not get to the court on time. Halfway through the second game Putu saw me standing across the court behind the teams... as that was the only place I could see. She told me to come sit with them (in one of the kids seats). Well to do this, I had to wait till the 8 point time out- and then run around/across the court. I had to push through the men to get to the front which caused a big comotion, then walk onto the court infront of the whole crowd. Everyone cheered at the funny white girl running with her water bottle and backpack. I did get to watch the rest of the match from the front, but my favorite team lost today and are now out of the tournament. 2days more to go... so we'll see what happens.


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