You Wish You Were Here

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Communal Living

The Balanise sense of community is absolutly amazing. I am not sure yet if I have even gotten used to it. There is this concept of shared pretty much everything. If you are drinking water, anyone around you can and will have some. When eating, it is completly acceptable to put your fingers into your friends dish and have a bite. When working, you may do all the work one day, and your coworkers may do it all the next. There does not seem to be any feelings of jealousy or unfairness towards each other or over things. Your things, like an Ipod for example, can be used by anyone if they know where it is. Asking permission is not necesary, either.

I think it is based on this idea of Karma, combined with a sense of duty and obligation.

Money is the best. If you don't have any, just ask someone and they have to give it to you if they have it. If someone asks you for money, you have to give it to them if you have it. Those who have more money pay more. Those who have less money, pay less.

The idea of "no" is very rare. Even when they may get upset over something or do not want to do something, the feeling is quickly replace with acceptance and "no problem." I would say 'no worries.' But for them it is said much mor efrequently than any idea of negativity or unavailablity. "Tidak apa apa" is what they say, which litterally means, No, what what. But for them, they simply accept, deal, and move on. There is always a positive and optomistic tone in everything they do.

Physical affection is also very great. Especially between people of the same gender. They out thier arms around each other, lean on each other, share food, ciggerettes, drinks. What is actually rare is romantic physical contance between opposite genders. Everything is so platonic and accepting. Very often I will get patted, hugged, fake-punched, my tea drank from, my dive gear used, etc.... which all means that they like me, accept me, and view me as an equal. I think it will be hard to return to a culture of mine, mine, mine after I have shared all of my possesstions, actions, and even bodily contact for so long.


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