You Wish You Were Here

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Labuan Bajo, Flores

I have been in a small Muslim Fishing village called Labuan Bajo on the island of Flores. It is just east of the Komodo National Park. There are only 1.5 internet shops in town and all week they have either been closed or have no connection. So today, with no diving, I have been able to track down a working computer!!!

I have been diving in and around the park for the past four days. It is sooo beautiful and the diving is some of the bast I have done. Turtles on almost every dive, sharks at least once a day, no other boats or divers, thousands of reefish and beautiful corals that make it impossible to determine where you should focus, sea snakes, and of course wonderful fellow travellers and divers.

I am staying in Goaloh hilltop which has a beautiful vew westward and is a twenty minute walk into town. Each morning I walk down the winding road into the village where I am greeted by friendly children. The locals ask me if I am diving today. I meet the boat at the pier and we go out to the sea for a 2-3 hour boat journey through the park to the dive cite. We complte two 70 min. dives with lunch in between. We return just before sunset when I sit with my fellow divers, drink a large Bintang (the indo brew), and what the sun go down.

We then wait hours for dinner, as there is no need for the locals to be timely with anything involved in the kitchen. I then flag down a motorbike, and take a 5 minute ride back into the hills to my quiet hotel. the ride costs about 3-5 thousand Rup.... which is about 45 cents. Not bad for a little rollercoaster ride!!

Today I am suposed to go back to Bali, but I may change my plans and go further eastward to the tiny village of Mino to see three different colored lakes atop of a volcano. They are suposed to be amazing and apparently change colors often for no explained reason. If I make this trek, it will be hard to find internet for a few days... I think. Hope all is well in your part of the world. Here is beautiful and filled with amzing people.


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