You Wish You Were Here

Wednesday, July 19, 2006


I have been diving on the eastern coast of Bali in a town called Tulaben. Each day I get picked up by 2-3 locals and driven to the next town/ group of villages to the south called Amed. I have been taking my Rescue Diver course there and fun diving with that dive shop on the dive sites around both towns. I really enjoy speaking with as many Balanise people as possible as I learn their culture and their value systems. I will stay here 1-3 more days before I head back south, and then back to Nusa Lembongan. The diving is good and I see new things everyday. I also have begus to recognize and name things that I see each day with more familiarity and confidence.

Internet here is VERY slow (15 minutes to get my mail). So, I am off to have some lunch and "just relaxing" as they say here.


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