You Wish You Were Here

Monday, July 03, 2006

Nusa Lembongan

I took a boat to the islands off the southeast shore of Bali on Sunday. This is a very quiet island with only 5% tourism.... mostly diving and surfing. Most of the island make a living by farming seaweed. The sand/soil around the beaches is very rich in nutirents and seaweed is harvestable every 45 days. This is a working beach so there are boats everywhere. At about 8 o'clock the locals take their flashligts to the beach andhurnt for shrimp.

I am diving with World Dive and staying in a little room that faces the ocean looking towards the Indean ocean. Diving was great yeasterday. I did my first drift dive which was very fast. My second in "Crystal Bay" was more relaxing but colder. I did not get to go deep enough to see the giant sun fish (the Mola Mola-as they say here) like the other groups did, but today I am hopeful that I will. I did see some cool purple giant starfish, georgeous angel and butterfly fish, a flute mouth fish, and loads of other beaudiful things.

It is the 4th of July here... so I hope everyone has good picnicing and BBQing and fireworking and drinking....


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